RECREATION & FAMILY SERVICES is a broad array of programs that support families caring for a loved one who has developmental disabilities. Through social and skill building opportunities, Recreation & Family Services works in coordination with individuals, families, day program/school staff, and clinicians to ensure consistent care.

What we offer

Recreation for ages 16 and older offers a variety of enrichment activities including bowling, fitness, chorus, ceramics, hip hop dance, yoga and Special Olympic sports. Programming is designed to help individuals reach their personal goals, improve health and wellness, and create opportunities for socialization. Recreation helps aging or working families seeking respite for their adult children who live at home and individuals who live semi-independently who can feel isolated outside of their work or day habilitation programs.  Brochure, click here
Contact Barbara White, Director of Employment Services at

Caregiver Trainings are free presentations on topics of interest to families who have a loved one with a disability. These trainings are an important source of information that support families in making informed decisions about their child’s life, adopting best practice caregiving and providing a networking forum for families managing similar circumstances.
Contact Gail Palm, Family Services Training Coordinator at

Program Site
Minute Man Arc Adult Day Programs and Administrative Offices
35 Forest Ridge Road
Concord, MA 01742